Visit other sites who rep UK Hip Hop. Here are a few you’ll like.
UndergroundHH is a site similar to ours. If you haven’t found the lyrics you were looking for here, go check them out.
Wordplay Magazine: all your Hip Hop culture with a glossy finish. Wordplay Magazine. Check out our Feature on the magazine while you’re at it.
Get your custom garms at C75 Customise your caps, jackets and footwear.
The UK’s finest one-stop-shop for UK Hip Hop (clothes, CDs, Vinyls and more): Suspect Packages – Packing British Beats since 1996
Get your UKHH review flex on with our main man Tom Clements over at
Don’t sleep on the biggest UKHH History and Database site over at
As always, if you’d like us to add your site here, drop us a quick line at
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